Completely Herbal: Herbal Strategi’s Eucalyptus Essential Oil is completely made from natural Eucalyptus Oil that has been used for thousands of years as skin therapies, remedies, and personal fragrances. Eucalyptus essential oil can provide incredible health benefits and has unique therapeutic powers.
Safe for Your Loved Ones: We care for you and you care for your loved ones and we leave no one out. Our products are made safe for your skin and free of toxic ingredients that may cause respiratory irritation keeping your kids & pets safe.
Alleviates Pain & Inflammation: Eucalyptus essential oil is known to soothe pain and lower inflammation that may be caused due to an allergic reaction or around a wound which also makes it a great aid for wound care. Eucalyptus essential oil when applied topically to the affected area may also help relieve headaches, earaches.
Relieves Respiratory Issues & Mental Clarity: Eucalyptus essential oil when added to water and used as a mist or directly added to a diffuser or a vaporizer may help in clearing the respiratory system of any issues and may also aid mental clarity and relaxation.
Repels Rats: Eucalyptus oil can repel rats when used with a diffuser or vaporizer around the affected corners of your house, warehouse, shop, storeroom & garage. "