Arthritis, joint pain, back pain, sprains of muscles, swelling, Rheumatism etc.
For joint pains around waist, for sprains of muscles, arthritis, rheumatism, most pains without wounds. Use the Age-Old Dharasana Lep for more faster and safer remedy.
How to use:
Mix the lep thoroughly before use.
Apply Dharasana Lep on and around the affected area properly.
Now place a piece of cotton on it and allow it to get fixed. Rest for 5 to 10 minutes so that the Lep and cotton fix perfectly. Keep for 5-6 days. If necessary, use again.
More about dharasana lep:
Dharasana Lep is ready to use, it is not advisable to give heat to Dharasana Lep.
Pack size: 35g
During any joint pains etc., it is advisable to avoid sour and gas (vata) increasing foods. Cold and Alcoholic Drinks too can be avoided.
Keep Dharasana Lep for 5 to 6 days on the affected area.
Do not allow that area to contact with water or fire.
Remove it gently after 5 to 6 days with soap and warm water.
Do not heat the lep or apply and heat the skin.
If the lep dries up, add few drops of water and stir it and use again.
Kindly Replace the cap of the bottle properly after each use.
Keep away from reach of children.
Avoid application if there are scabies and other skin diseases.